In September 2000, the Fresno Youth Care Homes Inc., a nonprofit corporation was established as a resource for teenagers in need of community placement and support due to abuse or neglect.  Our purpose is to serve the educational, vocational and therapeutic needs of at risk adolescents to build and strengthen relationships. Fresno Youth Care Homes, Inc. has become a source of care and emotional support for teenagers who are in need of community based care since its establishment wherein more than 165 teenager’s lives have been touched forever.

The administration and staff are dedicated to the concept of providing the best possible care for clients.  This care surpasses the minimum requirements of the State and County regulations.

“Our mission is to integrate individualized mental health, care and supervision for youth and non-minor dependents that have histories of abuse, neglect, and/or delingquent behavior.  Youth and non-minor dependents are served through intensive, culturally relevant, trauma-informed, and developmentally appropriate services, coupled with a safe and secure environment to reduce symptoms that led the youth into placement.”

The Fresno Youth Care Homes, Inc., has a well qualified and very well trained workforce headed by Lorie Brewer. Though the board members work voluntary, they are very enthusiastic and committed to their work. They oversee the entire working of the Fresno Youth Care Homes, Inc. to ensure the children are made available the best services. They are directly involved in all the activities of the Fresno Youth Care Homes, Inc. starting with but not limited to oversight, decision making and advisory.




Fresno Youth Care Homes, Inc. (FYCH) is licensed by the State of California as a Short-Term Residential Treatment Program (STRTP) to serve male at-risk youth and non-minor dependents, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Fresno Youth Care Homes @ Copyright 2023. All rights Reserved.